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  • We are dedicated to safeguarding your business with the utmost care and attention that all our accredited partners guarantee. That's why we've got you covered with the HBCA HANSE BUSINESS CONSULTANCY AGREEMENT, ensuring our brokers and traders are protected against virtually all market violations. Our promises to you are nothing short of amazing:

    We're so confident in our service that we proudly offer the best price guarantee, lightning-fast communication, an incredible 18/h service, a 1h price service, and private financing from the middle of HANSE, with most of it available within 30 days. And that's not all — we've got your back with expert legal support, including start-up and business assistance, and we'll help you get your financial footing with our pioneering assistance.

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Everything on one place. The advantages of ONE.GBP: a uniform system for the entirety of all business processes – both sides of the trading chain benefit from this.


We are a global private energy and oil trading, finance and investment group, possibly the first of its size, scope and independence.  We operate and market assets around the world and explore for oil and natural gas in JV's on two continents. Since 2024 our cooperation is essentially based on partnership.

HANSE since 1982

Become our Partner

Participate in our Business Class extensive network, innovative financial and trade solutions, and strategic investment opportunities designed to elevate your market position and financial standing.

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Our "Winning Ways strategy"

Partnerships can be a cornerstone of success. A strong partner can bring complementary skills, resources, and perspectives that can help you achieve your goals more effectively. HANSE has a global network of funds and investment units:



The next step after approval of your accreditation and completion of assessment formalities. You subscribe as our Trader, Broker, or both to PersonaLUnion. Your subscription is the Base of all formal business communications and negotiations and is subject to a fee.

Business meeting


Joint Venture & Startups

HANSE is traditionally your partner for all investigations in the field of energy, gas and oil worldwide, including exploration, trading and start-up formations, for which we offer favorable terms backed by our investors right from the center of our group.

Business Agreement on the Terrace


Offshore Trading

For the processing of single transactions over $10 million, we offer you a temporary offshore joint office setup between our companies, usually sharing 49/50. Office address, our management and local office infrastructure, of couse, without loss allocation for yourself.

Office buildings

Join us


We are looking for the best people to join our innovative trade and finance teams. Please note that HANSE never asks applicants to pay a fee, nor do we use recruitment or placement agencies that do this. 

Because it`s HANSE


HANSE is uniquely positioned to handle all kinds of Counter-and barter trade agreements


All trading is controlled by our Broker House Oil Broker Asia. Our trade know-how, our teams’ expertise and our accredited partners all play a key role in this process. We operate responsibly worldwide.


HANSE Refining Asia: Our refining and petrol operations transform crude oil and natural gas into finished products or intermediates. As our accredited partner you gain access to refinery prices, terms & conditions.


As a private and independent company, we ship all liquid bulk products with our own fleet or in cooperation with Maersk Liner Services, operating a global storage network.


No mat­ter how large your com­pa­ny or pro­ject may be. Whether you want to fi­nance a pur­chase or hedge a sale: Our fi­nanc­ing ex­perts will sup­port you in your (energy) business operations.


Specific regional knowledge is one thing – the extensive network of an international player is another. Luckily, we have both available. 


The HANSE Ombudsman, a neutral mediator. His office offers free assistance to all accredited HANSE partners in resolving questions and disputes.


A fresh pair of eyes: Our mentor can help you see things from a different perspective - essential to making progress! Our mentor will prepare you for a career in our field, and has at least 25 years of industry and banking experience.

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Keep up to date with all the latest developments on our net zero journey by signing up to our newsletter

  •  My team and I welcome you. Thank you for visiting our website. We are here to answer all of your questions. Please note that all communication must be based on your prior free Business Class registration to learn more about you before we can go into detail. Please refrain from any unsolicited submissions and private terms of service. We appreciate your prompt communication and availability.

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Key Partnerships

Working on a VIP- and Partner Level with a proven standing and creditworthiness.



Junior Partner Trading

You are our partner and will be treated as such, with respect and recognition of your contributions. Your Trust Account will be opened with a fully refundable amount and a guaranteed fixed base interest rate of 8.75% per annum. Trust accounts are additionally eligible for bonus and/or dividend, fully returnable and are held for 3 years.

Confident Businessman


Senior Partner Trading & Financing

The Senior Partnership is the most exclusive and comprehensive collaboration outside Inventorship. You receive VIP level service in every aspect of your business transactions with us. As with all trust accounts, funds are held in escrow and are therefore returnable.

Senior Businessman


On-Site Correspondent 

We offer worldwide collaboration based on a Classified Assessment or a Junior or Senior Partnership. Our correspondents are the bridge between our clients or partners under a freelance agreement, paid with a monthly salary and useful incentives and rewards.

Man in Suit
Young Businesswoman

Melissa Burton

Head of Partner Administration

Responsible for partner and investor relationships worldwide. Competent, fast response, easygoing, young, and modern. Email:

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